Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Who Else Wants to Learn About Isee Essay Samples?

Who Else Wants to Learn About Isee Essay Samples? Rather than getting an expensive private tutor, there are numerous on-line resources which can offer extensive preparation assistance at a sensible price, a number of these have videos and interactive components that are crucial in helping your child achieve success with the SSAT exam. While there many specific instruments and strategies for the various regions of the SSAT, becoming familiarized with the test by reviewing the practice questions is an excellent start. Do everything you can to adhere to the tips here, then forget about doing it. Now to turn to some strategies and suggestions for how to approach each prompt. But What About Isee Essay Samples? You may be asked to spell out your favourite book or your beloved relative, or. CAHSEE prompt are available on page. In addition, you must rewrite the prompt at the very top of the very first page. Once you finish, the results page consists of extensive explanations for eve ry one of the answers and more info on every question's relevant concepts. Here's What I Know About Isee Essay Samples For instance, if you made a decision to begin your essay with an anecdote, the anecdote would want to be about something you've experienced that is associated with your topic. The conclusion doesn't will need to be a lengthy paragraph. You should read quote from. A History of Isee Essay Samples Refuted The essay is scanned digitally and what's outside might not be legible. Although it is not graded, as we'll discuss below, it is still a critical part of the test. How can you write a vital essay. The AP English essay a part of the last exam to ascertain if you get your. Since these essays are sent to schools directly, it will become important for students to create a great write-up in order to have a very good score. Aside from studying at economics department, I intend to attend floristic courses, so as to turn into a true specialist within this sphere. PaperCoach will be able to help you with all your papers, so take a look at this time! Where to Find Isee Essay Samples After you own a plan, go on and get writing! It's a superb idea to devote some time thinking of some individuals, events, or activities you might incorporate into various essay prompts. Word story about anything you prefer. Even if the precise word isn't listed, such preliminary work can an excellent starting place, as your student is able to look for the word that most matches the synonym which he or she student brainstormed. Schools have a look at the typical scores, and generally have a cut-off when considering admission. The Mathematics Achievement section contains 30 problems that you are in possession of a half hour (thirty minutes) to address. Practice Sat Essay Prompts When there are lots of folks who don. Essays are ungraded, but they're sent to schools together with the ISEE score report. The 30-Second Trick for Isee Essay Samples In the debu t, you should also be quite clear about your stance on this issue. In fact, the essay is a little bit of an enigma. Start by Brainstorming The prompt is asking you for something that you've completed that has had an impact on your life in some manner. What to Expect From Isee Essay Samples? Another reason behind joining the drama club is the fact that it will give me an opportunity to execute. While keeping your eye on the clock is a great tactic, rushing through questions is not. Naturally, you've got to make certain your grabber is pertinent to the prompt you've been assigned. You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you wind up getting an excellent grade. The Unexpected Truth About Isee Essay Samples I hope that my acting will give rise to successful productions alongside my work as a portion of the behind-the-scenes crew. Teamwork is crucial to making an amateur production seem to be professional. Because you only have limited time on the true test, doing this brainstorming beforehand will help you a good deal! While there might be some competition among stars, a production is usually a cooperative work. What You Should Do to Find Out About Isee Essay Samples Before You're Left Behind You could discuss a sport that you wish to learn, or maybe a musical instrument. In the top level in addition, there are algebra and geometry questions. There's nothing more bedeviling than trying to explain ISEE scoring. We use the expression format loosely here. The issue of the family is also rather vital for me. It shouldn't be too difficult to convince my loved ones. The ideal way to prepare your kid is to begin early. It ought to be simple to plan a Canadian vacation.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Case Study Health Law And Policy - 986 Words

Essay Module 9 Intro to Health Law and Policy Fall 2014 Nancy Vincent TO: Hospital Board of Directors FROM: Office of the General Counsel RE: CEO Compensation Per the CEO’s anticipated renewal of his contract, the CEO has provided this Office with data the CEO personally obtained concerning salaries of the CEOs of other hospitals in the area. The CEO has requested that he participate on the committee to determine his compensation package, and specifically to participate in determining his own fair market value. Both the data and the CEO’s request to be on the relevant committee are problematic. This Office recommends that the CEO’s requests be denied, and that alternative measures be taken. Background The context for the issues presented is the effect of the CEO’s request upon the tax-exempt status of the Hospital. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the Hospital must abide by basic requirements for the federal tax exemption by staying true to its charitable purpose. One of those requirements is that in order to be considered charitable, the Hospital cannot be seen to substantially benefit a private interest. There are two related prohibitions at work here: private inurement and private benefit. Private inurement is the more relevant prohibition, as it focuses on private benefits to those who are â€Å"insiders† (those who have a say in a hospital’s actions and decisions). The CEO would qualify as such an individual. A private benefit, by contrast, appliesShow MoreRelatedBill Is Violating Two Laws : Hipaa ( Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act ) And Contract Law1277 Words   |  6 PagesIn this case study, I would say Bill is viola ting two laws: HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and Contract Law. The reason Bill was in strict violation of HIPAA was because he was disclosing personal information of trauma patients to his attorney friend Anna in exchange for compensation. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Motivation and Learning Samples for Students †

Question: Discuss about the Motivation and Learning. Answer: Motivation: Introduction Motivation is in inside, its in your attitude. One has wears his motivation all time. Motivation is result of your action which forces to activate your emotional, biological and social behavior. Motivation reflects from your personality. It is ones desire to do the things, to achieve the things. To bring change in your life. Motivation is very important to lead a positive life. Literature survey on Motivation Motivation brings life to you and the things to do daily. Lying all around not doing anything with interest is the reason of lack of motivation. Sometimes we get easily motivated just blink in our mind and it filled us with enthusiasm to do the wishful things. Motivate provoked us to achieve our aims. But sometimes we feel low and engaged so much in our lifes problems results we started feeling low inside , low motivation or no motivation, feels like everything is finished. Therefore we need to take care of below points to keep motivated ourselves and keep the excitement level up in our lives. Keep a track of your to do list and daily goals and check it every time to note down how much achieve and much better way to achieve. Track your progress also it will help your to draw your areas need more efforts When you achieve your goal even if it is small make that moment more special by giving some reward to yourself. Get some breaks also and if you feel there is need to rectify the plan , just do it , change also bring motivation Never be hard on yourself Keep watching motivational speeches and follow and apply the points. Surround yourself with positive people bring down the negativity. Never waste your time in talking about other people. Focus is very important. Always take care your focus never get distracted. Research Topics on Motivation and learning and learning(Below are the four researches we select and summarize their motive) Motivation and Ways to Motivate Students : In this research author discussed on how motivation helps in learning a language. There are two types of motivation one is inner motivation (self belief) and other is external motivation (get from outside world) and their lies a relationship between them also(Spaulding., 2000). Role of personal factors in motivation. Motivation and its need, beliefs and goals. Author said we can motivate a student to learn a language using various interesting activities like by allowing students to practice language skills. Students need to develop skills of attentive in class and understanding it well. Students have good rendering and putting their knowledge on paper skill also, This is enhance by keep on remembering words , English sentences and practicing grammar and responsive and attentive in class . Learners should have strong will and desire to participate in learning process with recreation and should feel this that learning process can be interesting which makes them curious and entertaining with their total involvement which helps maintaining the level of motivation high and boost up the environment throughout the session. Gaming session in class helps a lot to make learning and teaching session interesting especially in junior schools. Kids feel more connected. Student need some break session and these games could be played during those sessions. Games should be selective which helps to enhance the skills of learners. Games are big tool to enhance motivation as they Games are highly motivating as they are considerably enjoyable and always has some task to complete. Furthermore, they employ meaningful and useful language in real contexts. They also encourage and increase involvement Guessing game, gap filling, chain story games are practical and interesting that can be used in English learning. Pay, songs and summer English camping trips can bring effect and make learning process effective(Pressley, 2010). Few real situations with discussion and debate and creative activities such as create an any project are encouraged in higher grade. Many interesting activities boost up students and involve them as much of the time and effort as possible and enhance the level of learning motivation. Motivation and Classroom Learning In this research author made a framework to understand intrinsic motivation and how it helps in building classroom strategies. He has discussed few theories and cognitive approach. Author said learners should understand and appreciate what they are doing to keep motivation alive. Instinct, growth, drive in attitude and lack of motivation demonstrate the motivated behavior with use of machine symbols(Mendler B. , 2011). According to these theories individuals give energy and direction to their behaviors. The paths to satisfy these desires show how behavior gets energized(Mendler A. , barensandnobel, 2015). It explains attribution theory and self-efficacy theory. According to these theories as author said, motivated behavior can be explained by referring conscious cognitive processes which further involve the ability to predict the goals and rewards and use the power of judgment, evaluation for decision making rather than using mechanical processes and unconscious biological(Mendler A. , Motivating Students Who Don't Care: Successful Techniques for Educators, 2015). Below are the points which help learners to put efforts in class and perform to their level best. Consider that teachers behavior brings quality information to your learners and carefully judge the messages you send. Emphasize on learning strategies. Abstain from grouping that encourages ability as the only way to get success. Set up instructional arrangements that encourage cooperation. Impart knowledge on realistic goal setting. UsingManagement Motivation Techniques to Motivate Students and Develop Their Self-Motivation In the world of business, motivation techniques on management has boost up the efficiency of business. Company managers have been analyzing continuously with different type of motivational tools which results in to huge profits to companies. Author divided this research in to three parts; in his first part he explains the similarities and dissimilarities between concepts of motivation in teaching and motivation theories inmanagement (Marslender, 2011). In other part of this research author discussed about the Human Resource Management framework which offers HRM architecture to be used in teaching with the aim of boosting the motivation in students(Marshell, 2008). The HRM model emphasizes the need to finding new approach of working, managing performance and motivation, support employees to accept the company managers as partners and coordinators. Big part of this strategy and techniques can be applied to teaching field also. The most alluring thing is that management theory has created full-fledged techniques to calculate and oversee performance. It has designed appraisal plans and auditing systems. It describes Treat your students like human capital. Motivational strategies and techniques ofmanagement science says to treat students like human capital , this way one could achieve aim of teaching and enhance the productivity , quality which further impact their life and attitude. Its duty of teacher to look around what motivates their students and design teaching strategies and techniques according to the level of students in class(Kong, 2009). Teachers should work on self motivation in students having in goal of course and well communicated to the students and develop strategies accordingly with this in mind that this motivation process is for long duration and path could be critical for teachers and students both(David Freeman Yvome, 2000). Make realized your students that self motivated students with great adequacy and intrinsic motivation will go prolonged in the market and successful also. They will be the future leaders of market leaders. The Effect of Rewards and Motivation on Student Achievement In this research author says, we should check the effect of rewards on intrinsic motivation . How much it is affecting the learning of children in general and compensatory education at same time. Those Students who has high intrinsic motivation play an significant role in building the successful path for school and perform the tasks very well too(Burden, 2000). Giving rewards erodes intrinsic motivation and show good results by slowing the process of skills procurement and more faults in the process of learning. Implications written up in research presents planned strategies for all students and also strategies for students who face learning disabilities. It has collection of planned and detailed written strategies to enhance intrinsic motivation. It shows how classroom environment, behavior management and lesson planning plays important part in intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is an important quality for students to perform their level best. Institutes should be very careful while using tools like extrinsic motivators and accolades as it erodes the developing intrinsic motivation in learner and tremors adverse effect on learning for all students including those who are facing learning disabilities. Therefore, the extrinsic rewards should not be distributed openly and entirely. There should be a particular and strong purpose behind giveaway rewards. Sometimes use of extrinsic rewards deliberately depreciate as student motivation and enhances the process of gaining knowledge. Furthermore, the every technique of classroom learning and environment has some proper plans for step by step development in students and boosting the intrinsic motivation in learners. There is a planning for intrinsic motivation and should contain in every lesson and activity. It as continual process that should never stops. Good weight age should give to the motivational characteristics throughout the year(Brook, 20000). Word choice, decision making individualized instruction and goal setting should not be the temporary parts of teachers curriculum rather it should be the permanent part . Individual Views on Motivation and its impact There are many types of students in class , some dont feel secure and feel embarrassed as sometimes they wont come up with the learning process .So teacher has to take care of every student . Teacher should ignite the desire to achieve something in life in student; this desire drives them to fulfill their motive of life. Practical tasks, grading system, feedback forms, suggestions and liberty and scope are few techniques which motivate students to get good grades and a desire of completion between peers(Belyayev, 2000). Teacher should deal with every student according to their potential as not every student is equal and their grasping power is different. Some get the things easy and quickly some need extra effort. So if teacher put some extra effort to each student accordingly it will help the students to perform their level best and ignite an urge to do more hard work as teacher is doing hard work on them. It helps boost up the result of teacher efforts also(Baranek, 2000). There is another factor belief linked up with motivation. Optimistic view about someones ability motivates student to learn and perform well A belief can do wonders, a teacher belief in their students and his teaching can do so much great to the whole learning process. A session of self doubt and failure should be taken time to time. The evaluation of students and their abilities should be effective .Therefore teachers can help students aspect their ability to success, struggle and achievement. Difficult assignments, misfortune, downfall are few things which sometimes motivates a student and give them another chance to make extra effort and taste the success. Another important thing is motivation and aim of student in class. Each behavior of student can boost up or put down their inner motivation and which further affect their process of learning. With a learning goal a learner study with a aim in class and put great efforts to fulfill it. Learners should be confident enough about their efforts and concentrate on efforts only rather concerning about their results because if efforts are up the level best it will surely make the results great and learning process successful. Teachers should help students to setting the realistic goals and motivate them to achieving them. Conclusion Its an important and purposeful duty of a teacher to keep knowledge about educational psychology and effective techniques to be used in learning process. Techniques should be motivational. Simultaneously teacher should come up with the new methods so that it can help students to make their future purposeful and motivate them to be a leaders of market in the future. The application of these techniques should help students to understand and apply these logics and concepts in their daily lives. Teacher should take care of personality and environment during motivating students. As per by achievement theory it says there is a reason , that is why high achievers select difficult and challenging assignment and why low achievers choose easier assignment at which there are less chances to fail. Students should have a natural inclination towards learning. They must have urge to learn more. Learners should take school coaching as personally relevant to lives. Students should believe in themselves that they process their skills and accomplish the goals. Students achievements represent the learning process of schools. They have urge to set the goals higher and high level thinking will lead to successful life and help them to attain their goals. Social mediation should be the way of learning.Learners should have trust in themselves and their goals they set for them. Their continuous effort towards learning can fulfill the expectation. With this accomplishment the inner motivations also get boost up . It risen the standard of thinking in them also. Learning is a lifelong process it , human beings learns throughout their lives. Learning develops the tendency to enjoy the learning by eroding the negative insecure thoughts. References Baranek, K. (2000). The Effect of Rewards and Motivation on Student Achievement. ScholarWorks@GVSU . Belyayev, B. V. (2000). The psychology of Teaching Foreign Languages. . Pergamon Press. Brook, N. (20000). Language and Language Learning. New York: Harcourt, Brace and world. Burden, P. (2000). Powerful Classroom Management Strategies: Motivating Students to Learn. London: Sage Publications. David Freeman Yvome, S. F. (2000). A Road to Success for Language. . New York: Oxford University Pres. Kong, Y. (2009). A Brief Discussion on Motivation and Ways to Motivate Students. Internation Education Studies . Marshell, J. (2008). Overcoming Student Apathy: Motivating Students for Academic Success. London: Springer. Marslender, K. (2011, July 25). Motivating Students Who Don't Care: Successful Techniques for Educators. Retrieved May 11, 2017, from Mendler, A. (2015). barensandnobel. Retrieved May 11, 2017, from barensandnobel: Mendler, A. (2015). Motivating Students Who Don't Care: Successful Techniques for Educators. London. Mendler, B. (2011). Power Struggles: Successful Techniques for Educators. Pressley, M. (2010). Motivating Primary-grade Students. London: Springer. Spaulding., C. L. (2000). Motivation in the classroom. The United States: McGraw Hill.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Opening Act 1 Scene 1 Essay Example

The Opening Act 1 Scene 1 Essay The opening scene in the Luhrman version is set in a typical U.S gas station. It is a busy and open area, much like the market setting portrayed in the original script, which is also busy. This is very clever of Luhrman because he is trying to modernise the original setting without losing the feeling of an open and busy area. A market square in modern America would be very strange. In the Zefferelli version, the director has tried to replicate the setting and atmosphere of the original, using a typical market square from the time that the play was written, this might seem to the audience as a more realisticà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ version of the play as the film is trying to be more identical to the original play.At the start of the scene in the Luhrman version we see the first of our families, the Montagues. They seem like typical American youngsters having fun in their car with the music turned up. They pull into a gas station and all seems well until the second family arrives, the Capulets. T hey seem more suave, they are smart looking Latinos, and they seem serious compared to the fun loving colourful Montagues.This is a good way of showing the differences between the two families. However in the Zefferelli version we see the Montagues and Capulets enter a traditional market square similar to one in the original play, we donà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t see many differences between the two families as they enter the scene, they seem kind of the same type of family, the only thing keeping them different is the colours of their clothes, the Capulets wearing black and blue and the Montagues wearing yellow and red, the clothes have been made to portray what people wore in the time the play was written, men in tights, frills and Robin Hood like hats. In the Luhrman version the dress is close to modern day attire, Hawaiian shirts and tuxedos.In the first scene in the Luhrman version there is not much reference to the original script, with little speech being used, but it is accurate to the o riginal script. Such lines as when Abram, a Capulet asks the question Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? and Sampson, a Montague replies, I do bite my thumb, sir. This starts the gunfight between the two families. For those that are unsure, the biting of the thumb at one another is an ancient Italian insult. I think that some of the audience may not know what the biting of the thumb is and Luhrman hasnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t shown us what it means which is a minor fault I think.We see that their relationship is obviously frail as only a small spark is used to ignite the fire which in comparison is a small exchange of petty quarrelling is used to start the fight. The use of movement in this scene is fast and furious as the action switches from person to person as they fire their guns, the camera zooms up to each of the main characters and then freezes as text is used to introduce each person, when the screen is un-freezed, the action goes back to being fast and furious again.This is very diffe rent compared to the calm, collective atmosphere of Zefferellià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s opening scene, where the two families embark on a sword fight after the quarrelling. The fight may not be as action packed as the previous version but is not any less amusing as we see the whole fight moving into the courtyard, where everyone in the picture has their swords drawn and are clowning aroundà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. This adds the fuel needed for the action in this scene as the build up to the fight is less tense than Luhrmanà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s version, the two families in this version seem calm and composed and the rivalry doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t seem to be as serious or intense as we see in the Luhrman version.One impressive point that Luhrman has integrated into the modern version, without altering the script is this; In the original/Zefferelli script/picture, Benvolio says Put up your swords, then the characters do so in the Zefferelli version, but in the Luhrman version and the modern world where people use guns in stead of swords, he has used the camera to focus on the guns where it says the brand name of the gun which is called a sword. This is a very good way of not altering the script but staying close to a modern day likeness of the play.The calm music doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t help in the seriousness of the rivalry in the Zefferelli version, but the thumping loud music in the Luhrman sets the heart thumping and is a better way of giving the audience the seriousness of the rivalry, as this is the most important factor in the play because if the two families were not at war then Romeo and Juliet could live happily ever after. But Luhrman does not go astray of the original script because has used the original script, this may seem a little strange to the audience at first but quickly catches on and is easily understood later on. Zefferelli has used more of the original script, but has altered it a little, but this seems unrecognised as it is used to help make the script more natural and to fit in more with the picture.There is un-intentional humour as the Zefferelli characters seem campà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ to us modern day folk because the men are wearing tights and frocks, the Luhrman characters seem coolà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ because we are used to the attire. But Zefferelli is trying as close as he can to the original play. If Zefferelli had tried to set his film in his time then I expect we would have seen white men with afros, high heels and flairs. If we were studying that type of version at school then I expect we would also see them as campà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½.There is one more difference between the two versions. At the end of the scene where Prince Escalus says that if the two families fight again there will be deaths, Zefferelli has portrayed the Prince riding in on a horse, and we know that princes were around in the time that the play was written, then he speaks to the families. However in Luhrmanà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s version, he has used the modern day equivalent of a prince, a police general, this is good because there are no princes in modern day cities so Luhrman has used the next best thing, a modern day equivalent of a prince. If Shakespear were alive today I think he would have been impressed by Luhrmanà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s attempt to modernize his story, as he has done this very intelligently and very well.The Ball Act 1 Scene 5This scene is where we first see Romeo and Juliet together, and this is the scene they first meet. It starts when the Montagues sneak into a Capulet party/ball. A traditional Shakespearean ball, with traditional dress and dancing is used in the Zefferelli version. Romeo and his fellow Montagues are able to make it inside the Capulet residence because the ball is a masked ballà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Romeo uses a cat like mask to disguise his identity. In the modernised version, Luhrman has cleverly changed the theme of the party, from a masked ball to its modern equivalent a fancy dressà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ party.For this, Romeoà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s costume is a knight; Luhrm an has tried to show the audience that Romeo is in a sense, a knight in shining armourà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. In both versions, Capulet welcomes everybody and, even though heà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s too old to dance himself, so he gets everybody else to dance because he like to watch those who have lots of life left enjoy themselves. The party in the modern version is also where we first see Mercutio. At the party in the new version, he is performing as a drag queen, this helps us get an idea of this characters personality, we see that he is lively, energetic and one of those people who has no enemies. In the Zefferelli version, however, we donà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t get to meet Mercutio just yet.The following is the same for both versions, but is done in different ways. This is where Romeo first sees his true love, Juliet. Romeo is enjoying the party when a dazzling young lady catches his eye. He doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t know why, but he knows that the girl he sees is the oneà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. The camera is very linear, an d stays at head level all the time. The camera focuses on Juliet all the time as she is dancing, even though fellow dancers get in the way, the camera still keeps track. We are seeing Juliet how Romeo sees her, in the Luhrman version however, the camera movement is quicker and has more variety than staying linear, it follows Romeo and Juliets eyes, this is good because eye contact is the best way of showing how someone is in love. Romeo uses a lot of reference to the original script in Zefferellià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s version, I think Zefferelli uses a lot of the original script because it is a good way of getting across the message that Romeo has fallen madly in love with this girl, and that she isnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t just another Rosaline.I think that Romeo hasnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t fallen in love with Rosaline, but instead has fallen in love with the idea of falling in love, and has maybe encouraged him a little more to gather more information on Juliet. We donà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t even get to know who Rosalin e is, and she isnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t even mentioned in the modern version. Such lines as O she doth teach the torches to burn bright!à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ and, Beauty to rich for use, for earth to dearà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, helps us see that Romeo has really fallen in love this time, because he doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t say these kind of things about Rosaline.Juliet still hasnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t seen Romeo, because Romeo is still tying to hide himself, but his luck turns when Tybalt spots him through his voice, Julietà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s cousin and respected Capulet family member. Tybalt seems frustrated that an archrival has intruded on his familyà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s ball, he tells Lord Capulet of his findings, but is even more frustrated because Lord Capulet doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t seem to care because Romeo has a good history and has never before troubled the Capulets, Tybalt says he will fight Romeo for this act, but Lord Capulet becomes furious at his nephews disobedience.This doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t interrupt Romeos interests in Juliet, and as Juliet takes a break from the dance, he sees his opportunity, and ceases it. He pulls Juliet behind the pillar he is hiding behind and tries to make Juliet listen by pouring his heart out, his language is like poetry, everything he says seems to flow, even when Juliet questions and dismisses his actions, but Romeo keeps coming back with better and more enticing speech, fro example, O then, let lips do what hands do! They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn into despair.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Juliet replies, Saints do not move, though grant for prayersà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ sake.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Romeo comes back with, Then move not, while my prayersà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ effect I takeà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Romeo then kisses Juliet and says, Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purgà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½dà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½.After their little escapade, we meet The Nurse. She interrupts Romeo and Juliet and warns Juliet that her mother wants a word wit her. The Nurse then gives Romeo the bad news; he finds out that Juliet is a Capulet. Benvolio tries to make Romeo forget that she ever existed. The Nurse then tells Juliet the same news; we see this well by the line My only love sprung from my only hate!à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ which gives the message across clearly. Romeo and Juliet meet under different circumstances in the modern version, Romeo has just taken some kind of hallucinogen, a drug perhaps, and it looks as if Romeo is trying to test himself, asking his brain if he wants to live, taking the risk of death to the edge when we see him with his head in a bowl of water.He eventually withdraws his head from the bowl. As he is exiting the bathroom he happens to walk by a fish tank, he is still maybe suffering form the drugs side effects, he then sees Juliet on the other side of the fish tank. This fish tank isnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t just an ordinary fish tank, this tank means a lot more. As we see Romeo and Juliet see each other through the tank, there is a lot of focus on the eyes of the two characters, this makes us feel closer t o the characters, the fish tank is the only separation between the two making contact, even though their faces are distorted, this doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t change the fact that they may have fallen in love with one another, and this gives the love at first sight emphasis more impact.They finally meet beyond the tank. Juliet is attempting to go somewhere but her attempts are foiled when Romeo talks of his love for her, she questions his motives but seems more convinced of Romeos authenticity of true love for her with flowing speech of his undying love for Juliet. Romeo kisses Juliet and even pulls her into a lift when he sees that her nurse is calling for her. The lift signifies their isolation from the whole party, as before Romeo was chasing Juliet all over the ballroom trying to get his message across, but Juliet was still walking away from him.The camera follows Juliets every movements well and is showing that things are very chaotic in a way, following Juliet up the stairs, through th e hall way, past the balcony, rushing around, maybe showing us a sign of things to come. The soft love music from the lone singer, which is also present in Zefferellià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s version, quickly whimpers away to more fast tempo music as Romeo chases Juliet. All is stopped though when the nurse catches them and Romeo finds out that Juliet is a Capulet and that she is due to marry Paris. We see that Romeos brave attempts may have been stopped by one thing, the family name.One thing that I am keen to point out is the use of costume in the two versions. As I have already said, the Zefferelli version has a traditional Elizabethan masked ball; Romeo and every other person seem to be wearing the same darkish coloured clothes. There is one exception, which is Juliet, her bright orangey/red dress makes her stand out from everyone else and shows us that this is the most important female in the scene, Juliet. The dress has a more important role in the Luhrman version, as each character has a fancy dress costume similar to their personality/character. Paris has an astronauts costume, signifying that he is brave, noble, and representing the great American astronaut Neil Armstrong, a man who held the world to a standstill, a national hero.Then we move onto Tybalt. He has a Devils costume on, showing us that he has a fiery personality, a short temper, and an evil man maybe; the devil is the main route of all evil. Mercutio as I have already said is a drag queen, this shows us that he is humorous, and doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t care what people think, also that he may not take life that seriously, but he is respected by both families and tries to play a neutral part in-between the feuding families, but we know that he is closer to Romeo than anyone else in the families. Romeo has the costume of a knight, a knight in shining armour perhaps, a saviour, a brave soldier, this also coincides with Juliets costume, as she has chosen the costume of an angel, the route of all goodness, an a ngel is perfect, maybe this is how Romeo sees her, an angel has no faults.The Balcony Act 2 Scene 2Juliet appears at a balcony at the back of her house and speaks of her love for Romeo. Romeo, as he is leaving the Capulets party/ball, he cannot withdraw his feelings for his newfound love and has no choice but to go back to the Capulet residence to try and confront Juliet. This is the second of the love scenes, and as you go through the play they all have things in common that you notice.For example, when the love scenes take place, the two lovers are always separated from the chaos that surrounds them, the fish tank, the lift, and the balcony scene, later on we see a few more examples of this similarity, in hindsight the marriage and the closing scene. Their love is seen as real and pure, this is helped by the use of language they use towards one another which is imaginative and flowing. Juliet appears on the balcony, and speaks of her love for Romeo, she says that she doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t care that Romeo is a Montague, this shows the audience that the biggest factor in the pair being together peacefully cannot stop their love.The two versions are quite similar but have some obvious differences due to the modernisation of the play. First of all in Zefferellià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s version, we see Juliet walk towards the edge of her balcony. She speaks of her love for Romeo, she is so in love that she calls for him knowing thereà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s a good chance of him not returning the call, this is where the most famous line in the play comes in, O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Romeo hears this as he is hiding in a near by tree, and replies to her call. Juliet is obviously startled and surprised by his appearance but is still glad to see him. She fears for Romeos safety because if he gets caught he will be in big trouble, also she wonders how Romeo got to the balcony in the first place. His answer is that love enabled him to climb the walls easily.This sh ows another bond between the pair in that even death cannot keep Romeo apart from Juliet. The pair exchange vowels and agree to marry with no one knowing, Romeo eventually parts from Juliet and leaves the scene. The quietness and twilighty settings of the scene also help isolate the couple from the rest of the world, the romantic music that was used in the ball scene is used once again. Juliet is wearing a nightgown, which doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t really signify anything here, apart from maybe promoting the angelicà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ theme. In Luhrmanà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s version, Juliet once again enters the balcony area and speaks of her love towards Romeo.But in this version, as well as the language being original, it seems to be delivered more naturally, it seems more believable and passionate towards us. Juliet then makes her way down from the balcony, towards the swimming pool, as Romeo enters the courtyard area, we see that he is maybe a little nervous on meeting Juliet again, we see him hold clo se to the wall, and stumble over some chairs, because he may be nervous but we know for sure that he doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t want to get caught by guards or he will die. She still speaks of Romeo, but in the previous version, when Romeo confronts Juliet and alerts us of his presence on the balcony, in this version Romeo surprises Juliet by the swimming pool.Juliet is so surprised by Romeoà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s being there that as Romeo attempts to comfort Juliet they both fall into the swimming pool. The swimming pool has more in common with a fish tank than you might think. The swimming pool much like the fishtank symbolizes the coupleà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s isolation from their surroundings, as the couple go underwater, there is no music and the camera focuses on the eyes of the pair, also there is a lot of moving around under water, but there seems no rush to return to the surface as I think they see this as a moment of togetherness, purity and isolation again.As Romeo speaks of his love for Juliet, the two swim about until Juliet hits the edge of the pool, she stops and hesitates a little before kissing Romeo because she is still weary of the dangers that may arouse. The couple exchange vows and the romantic music from the ballroom scene crops up again, before the nurse calls on Juliet. They embrace once again and Romeo hesitantly leaves. There is a lot of passion in this scene and we get a better feel that the two are in love.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

american ethics essays

american ethics essays American Beauty is a very intricate film portraying the sarcasm intertwined within American values, or beauties. Every scene within American Beauty influences each character in the movie as well as other scenes. The structure of this flick is as if it were not possible to remove one scene from the work, otherwise the entire movie would collapse like a domino effect. People Magazine writes a solid review of the movie analyzing the flick to the limits of a one-page review, and recommending an older audience because of the understanding of society, and Americans in general that an older audience would comprehend. The film is able to take in many facets of American life within its two-hour viewing and really push the viewer to ask some serious questions about American life how it is, and American life how it should be. It becomes obvious that everyone in the movie is hiding something from all or most of the rest of the characters because the truth would cause pandemonium. This is w hy every scene in American Beauty has such meaning towards the all characters in the flick because every scene seems to be showing us how each character hides an aspect of their lives, and how they go about hiding them. The film is a very sarcastic film in which the characters are constantly hiding things from one another, and working so hard to portray an image they feel best portrays them, rather then plain and simple living. The characters of the flick go about hiding things, and pretending their life away making American Beauty the comedy that got everyone laughing. What really puts us for a spin is when we ask ourselves if we are really laughing at the characters in the film, or if we are really laughing at ourselves subconsciously? ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

List of the 12 Seas Surrounding the Pacific Ocean

List of the 12 Seas Surrounding the Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the worlds five oceans. It has a total area of 60.06 million square miles (155.557 million sq km) and it stretches from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean in the south and has coastlines along the continents of Asia, Australia, North America, and South America. In addition, some areas of the Pacific Ocean feed into what is called a marginal sea instead of pushing right up against the coastlines of the aforementioned continents. By definition, a marginal sea is an area of water that is a partially enclosed sea adjacent to or widely open to the open ocean. Confusingly a marginal sea is also sometimes referred to as a Mediterranean sea, which shouldnt be confused with the actual sea named the Mediterranean.   Marginal Seas of the Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean shares its borders with 12 different marginal seas. The following is a list of those seas arranged by area.   Philippine Sea Area: 2,000,000 square miles (5,180,000 sq km) Coral Sea Area: 1,850,000 square miles (4,791,500 sq km) The South China Sea Area: 1,350,000 square miles (3,496,500 sq km) Tasman Sea Area: 900,000 square miles (2,331,000 sq km) Bering Sea Area: 878,000 square miles (2,274,020 sq km) The East China Sea Area: 750,000 square miles (1,942,500 sq km) The Sea of Okhotsk Area: 611,000 square miles (1,582,490 sq km) The Sea of Japan Area: 377,600 square miles (977,984 sq km) Yellow Sea Area: 146,000 square miles (378,140 sq km) Celebes Sea Area: 110,000 square miles (284,900 sq km) Sulu Sea Area: 100,000 square miles (259,000 sq km) The Sea of Chiloà © Area: Unknown The Great Barrier Reef The Coral Sea located in the Pacific Ocean is home to one of natures greatest wonders, the Great Barrier Reef. It is the world largest coral reef system which is made up of almost 3,000 individual corals. Off the coast of Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is one of the nations most popular tourist destinations. For the Aboriginal population of Australia, the reef is culturally and spiritually important. The reef is home to 400 types of coral animals and over 2,000 species of fish. Much of the marine life that calls the reef home, like sea turtles and several whale species.   Unfortunately, climate change is killing the Great Barrier Reef. Rising ocean temperatures cause coral to release  the algae that not only live in it but is the main source of food for the coral. Without its algae, the coral is still alive but is slowly starving to death. This release of algae is known as coral bleaching. By 2016 over 90 percent of the Reef had suffered from coral bleaching and 20 percent of the coral had died. As even humans depend upon coral reef ecosystems for food the loss of the world largest coral reef system would have devastating effects on the plant. Scientists  hope they can stem the tide of climate change and preserve natural wonders like coral reefs.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

National Security, Energy Resource Scarcity and Climate Change in the Essay - 1

National Security, Energy Resource Scarcity and Climate Change in the upcoming decades - Essay Example Now, when we come to national security and foreign policy we must have an idea as to what it is. By national security we mean the integrity of a state and securing of its boundaries without hindrance from the other states. Foreign policy is the basic guideline upon a country will interact with other states and maintain relationship with them. Various analysts see the changing climatic conditions as possible threat to the future peace of the world. This is because with increased famines and limited food there will be fights within a state as a result the police will come into action. In adverse cases we may even need the army to control the situation which would create a civil war condition. It will basically be a fight for survival and of course as we know might is power the person or the state in general with more power would emerge victor. All of it will definitely spoil the peaceful environment of the planet earth and the countries with greater influence will even try to establish themselves by taking the weaker nations under them and exploiting them. In short, we may say that in the near future keeping view the changing climate and decreasing quantity of fossil fuels a war like situation where the person with force will be the winners and enjoy while the majorities will suffer from the scarcity of almost every basic necessity. The two countries on which we will be focusing on is the US and China. This is because both of them are the current super powers one in the West and other in the East. They are the biggest emitter of the green house gases a major cause for the drastic change in the climate with its devastating impact on earth. All of it which has complicated the national security concerns and the foreign policy for both these super powers. Both of these nations are trying to increase their influence on the African nations and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Syria Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Syria Revolution - Essay Example However, unlike the practical main revolution that causes increased violence and destruction from below, the Syrian revolution was started from above courtesy of reform coup and this paved way for the long Baath’s party military reign that made people feel greatly isolated under the leadership of Assad. Assad played a main role in the leadership of the revolution from above that caused land reforms, education expansion and extension industrialization sponsored by state that favored the elite group of the society. Tom achieve increased power in the Arabic world and secure his power from the West, Assad waged war on Israelites and rejected the United States policy. It examines the outbreak and possible causes of the uprising and to identify the main reasons behind the revolution of Syria, the book examines factors like social conflict, weakness of the institutions, radical parties’ emergence, the military politicization and the function of unfavorable external situation. For instance, according to the author, the revolution traces its origin to the various coups and counter-coups that happened in the early 1960s. The Syrian uprising compared to the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions was grounded on the revolt of peasants, a Sunni periphery protest against the regime of Baath that turned its back on the Syrian local population, (Hinnebusch 12). Later on, the uprising took on diverse dimensions with Muslim Brotherhoods – Jihadists – entering into the conflict because of the heretical aspects of the regime and due to its alliance with Iran Shiites and Hezbollah. Resultantly, because of Jihad, various demonstrators from across the Arabic and Islamic world have emerged in Syria, although, the slogan of Jihad did not trigger Syrians to enter into the uprising. A different dimension according to the author is revenge, basing from the extreme violent efforts from the regime to halt the protest waves. He suggests that the brutality of the reign acted to extend the circle of the protestors involved in the uprising. A number of people who later joined the protest were encouraged by the desire to avenge their family member, friends and relatives’ bloodshed, and destruction of their properties, cities and settlements by the forces of the regime during the uprising. The book explains the power concentration under the President Assad and examines how presidential monarchy creation buttressed by inherited kin and people commanding repression instrument was integrated with the establishment of Lenisit political organization consisting of a local constituency. The leadership was an inherited type of leadership, for instance, it was a the forty-year regime of the dynasty of Assad – initially under Hafiz and later Bashar, Assad’s son and predecessor, which has prospered in making the nation a firm and stable nation. It also analyzes the Assad’s response to the uprising and the effects of the revolution to Syria as a nation and the entire world. Hinnebusch Raymond also examines the political economy of the development of economy, indicating how industrialization, liberalization of economy and agrarian reforms lead to an increasingly equitable and different but significantly flawed

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Counseling Session Essay Example for Free

Counseling Session Essay Counseling can facilitate the process of overcoming or working through personal issues from everyday hardship as well as potentially life threatening situations. This reflective paper will explore the three 50 minute counseling sessions that I attended with a professional counselor and therapist, named Cassy Johnson-Hodge. By attending these counseling session and reflecting on Ms. Johnson-Hodges counseling process I have begun to understand the specific skills a counselor may use in session to help clients. Counseling requires the counselors to reach sensitively into their clients world and help them become aware of their strengths and hidden beauty (Michael S. Nystul, p 49). . The invaluable skills of open-ended questioning, paraphrasing, and reflection the counselor used had previously seemed insignificant to me, when it reality it can determine the difference between a helpful or a non helpful session. I was unsure of what to expect, prior to our first session as I have never received any professional counseling. I was nervous and anxious on the way to the session as I was unsure of where to start or how in depth the session would be. I had planned what I was going to say during the session, but I was still not feeling confident about it. I analyzed in my head what personal issues I could discuss as a student trying to learn the counseling processes, of course this was all based on my assumptions of what the counselor would ask. My nervousness and anxiety were immediately put to rest when I walked in the room where Cassy Johnson-Hodge gave me a warm welcome. Our first session began with an introduction, and I quickly explained to her that Im a student, and Im not sure what Im supposed to be at this point. Ms. Johnson-Hodges response to me was so caring and understanding, that I immediately felt comfortable enough with her to start having, what I would consider, a normal conversation. I still felt a little nervous , but I knew  she was providing me a safe judgment free environment to talk. Ms. Johnson-Hodge kept the conversation going for the duration of the session by affirming how I felt about my personal life goals, I also felt like she really understood what I was talking about, which inadvertently encouraged me to keep talking. By the end of the first session I was really amazed at how much I had talked. I really started to feel the counselor-client relationship developing when she helped me map our sessions. The style and technique, the counselor used throughout our sessions provided an appropriate solution for me and satisfy the goal we both agree to work on. I felt like Ms. Johnson-Hodge listened to what I was saying and directed the conversation in a positive way by asking open-ended questions to facilitate our conversation, paraphrasing what I was saying, and allowing me to reflect on what I had said. There were also other times when the counselor would reflect through silence. During such a period, I had noticed Ms. Johnson-Hodge study me and the information that I had given to her. At the end of the session, the counselor allowed me to ask her about how I feel by summarizing what I said to her. I think Ms. Johnson-Hodge did really good job as a result of pulling together a number of elements that I had offered her and reflected back was helping me to explore more. Works Cited Nystul, M. S. (2011). Introduction To Counseling. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Microbes in the Antarctic Continent Essay -- Biology, Microorganism

Microbes in the Antarctic continent play an important role in the ecosystem function and sustainability. The variation in snow and ice covers in Antarctic continent markedly affects all ecological variables including the composition of microbial assemblages and their function (Quayle et al., 2002). Minor changes in the global climate could significantly affect the ice and snow melt regimen in this continent. Therefore the Antarctic ecosystem is considered to be a good ecological indicator for the global climate change (Walther et al., 2002). Since 1961, an increase in 1Â ºC temperature from -11Â ºC to approximately -10 Â ºC) in Schirmacher Oasis has been recorded ( This may have resulted in an increased melting of snow, glacial and continental ice thereby affecting the lacustrine systems in Schirmacher Oasis. It is possible that Lake Tawani(P), which initially existed as a low-catchment depression, progressively filled with w ater from glacial ice and snow melts through visible surface channels and eventually become a permanent landlocked freshwater lake with a thriving microbial ecosystem (Figure 1). Although over 100 freshwater lakes in Schirmacher Oasis harbor a rich microbial consortium, only a few lakes have been subjected to the study of the microbial diversity. Our results revealed that analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the culture-independent community DNA had a better coverage of the diversity of the bacteria in the samples. Overall, the 16S rRNA gene analysis resulted in the identification of 8 different phyla, 20 different genera including two clones from the Candidate OP 10 groups. Interestingly two genera, Sphingomonas and Janthinobacterium were found to be comm... ...intermixing of some of the lake waters with the snow and ice melt through channels that connect them. Therefore the dynamic microbial ecosystem at the Schirmacher Oasis lakes is driven by the interaction between the annual weather events and microorganisms inhabiting in these lakes. In this study, we describe the bacterial diversity in a previously unexplored freshwater Lake Tawani (projected) [described here in Lake Tawani(P)] using culture-based and culture-independent methods. We have targeted the bacterial conserved segments of the 16S Small Subunit ribosomal RNA gene (described here in 16S rRNA) and the rpoB gene that code for the ÃŽ ²-subunit bacterial RNA polymerase. Investigating the microbial diversity of the lakes especially those connected through channels will help understand the dynamic nature of the freshwater lake ecosystems on the Antarctic continent.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Comparison of Financial and Managerial Accounting

Financial accounting refers to accounting and oversight of the companies have completed a comprehensive system of campaign funds, that the external economic stakes of investors, creditors and the government departments concerned and enterprises to provide economic information of the financial position and profitability as the main target carry out economic activities.Financial Accounting is an important foundation work of modern enterprises, through a series of accounting procedures, provided useful information for decision-making, and actively participate in management decisions, improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, service in the healthy and orderly development of the market economy. Management accounting, also known as â€Å"internal report accounting†, it means: to present and future campaign funds, to enhance economic efficiency for the purpose of internal managers provide the scientific basis for management decision-making as the goal of economic management ac tivities.Popular financial accounting is the total company accounting processes, cost accounting is the part of management accounting is a financial accounting calculation based on future projections of the company. In economic management, accounting work is an important part of one is closely linked to the effective operation of economic and accounting work. Comparison of management accounting and financial accounting for the study of accounting work in-depth research and analysis.Overview of management accounting and financial accounting Management Accounting Management Accounting refers to the conditions of market economy, to strengthen management within the organization, organize the best value for money as the ultimate goal, to organize business activities and value of performance as an object through the financial aspects information on deep-processing and re-use, in order to achieve the accounting branch of the process of economic forecasting, decision-making, planning and co ntrol functions.Financial Accounting Financial Accounting refers to the currency as the primary unit of measurement of the transactions or events that have taken place in the organization the use of specialized recognition and measurement at the same time as the main form of financial accounting reports regularly to the organization of different economic stakeholders provide external accounting information accounting.Second, the comparison of management accounting and financial accounting To a better understanding of management accounting and financial accounting, the links and differences between management accounting and financial accounting are discussed below: A. Contact management accounting and financial accounting Financial accounting and management accounting on the functional objectives and data sources are the same as the two basic content of the modern accounting.Both from the same mother, complementary, indivisible. Financial accounting, fixed accounting procedures and m ethods, production and business activities within a certain period of time and the results formed by the registration books, and other information. This information not only can be applied to the outside, can also be applied internally.Management accounting by the financial accounting information processing, making it the management accounting information, so as to improve the internal management services, at the same time provide the necessary conditions for the accounting supervision. Management accounting and financial accounting functions of the target mainly through the provision of information for enterprises and other organizations to provide a full range of consulting services, in order to effectively improve management, promote cost-effective upgrade. the difference between management accounting and financial accounting From the perspective of the service object, the organization's internal management accounting services to the enterprise management requirements is met in t he daily management of the particular circumstances, to collect the data to the managers of the organization's internal management and control information to improve the management level of enterprises and other organizations, and thus the management accounting can be called internal accounting.Financial accounting is the focus summarized by the periodic preparation of financial statements of enterprises and organizations such as asset valuation, capital structure and operating results are described, in order to provide the necessary information to the external unit or individual enterprises and other organizations, and thus can be said external accounting. From the perspective of the work focused on the object of study of management accounting and the issues to be addressed is the design of different aspects of the future organization of production and management, economic activity should occur Paper Union www. wlm. com finishing expected evaluation, management accounting informati on in accordance with the development of management programs for the management of the organization. Financial accounting is reflected in the economic activities of enterprises and other organizations, its focus is the historical description of all the economic activities of enterprises and other organizations, which means that after the occurrence of the operation and management activities, credited to the accounting records.From the perspective of the main body of work, management accounting body of work is a multi-level, enterprises and other organizations not only as a principal, you can also enterprises and other organizations within the local or individual departments as a body of work, even a work management links the main day-to-day economic activities as a body of work, control, evaluation and assessment.Financial accounting body of work is usually the case there is only one level, the level of enterprises and other organizations as a unified whole to reflect the only main asset valuation and financial status, and so concentrated reflection and outline, and does not involve specific local problems. In addition, also constraint mechanism of the management accounting and financial accounting, accounting methods, accounting procedures, the concept of orientation, the degree of precision, time span, as well as information on characteristics of distinction.Third, management accounting and financial accounting applications Analysis can be drawn from the Management Accounting and Financial Management contrast, an important part of management accounting and financial accounting are the overall accounting system. Management Accounting in the content usually by the driver of financial and accounting needs, In other words, the relationship and difference between management accounting and financial accounting to determine the management accounting and financial accounting in the application process should continue to optimize the communication and coordination be tween the two .Communication and coordination of management accounting and financial accounting to meet the enterprises and other organizations need to improve management effectiveness, to meet the information needs of different enterprises and organizations such as external users of information to avoid unnecessary waste. For example, in he daily accounting of the financial accounting, through the use of variable costing convenient convergence of management accounting and financial accounting easy to manage, establish and improve the confirmation of the financial accounting basis and measurement mode, to reduce the management accounting workload, work with coordination and communication of financial accounting. In short, management accounting and financial accounting, while under the different areas of accounting, but both have a specific relationship between them in the application process, the inevitability and necessity of coordination and communication.In short, is essentially the difference between management accounting and financial accounting. Specific applications should be concerned about the difference between the two at the same time concerned about the link between the two, constantly improve in practical work, whether it is from both theory and reality has a strong role to promote the enhancement of the organization and management efficiency. Financial Accounting:Accounting personnel in money as the basic unit of measurement, recognition, measurement, recording, reporting, mainly for enterprises to external stakeholders, past and present financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position ‘, and comprehensive intervene in the internal of the business, an economic management activities. Management Accounting: Focuses on the internal operation and management services. It uses a flexible and diverse ways and means to properly optimize management decisions, and provide useful information for the management of the enterpr ise.The difference between brief management accounting and financial accounting Focus Financial Accounting: the focus is on the preparation of the financial statements on a regular basis according to the daily business records, registration books, to businesses outside the economic interest groups, individuals report the financial position and operating results, the specific objectives for enterprise outside services financial accounting can be called â€Å"external accounting†.Management Accounting: the focus is on analysis of specific problems of business management, in order to provide the information needed to predict decision-making and control assessment information to internal managers at all levels, the specific objectives for internal management services, management accounting can be referred to as â€Å"internal accounting†. Second, the different levels of the main body of workFinancial Accounting: The body of work often have only one level, mainly across the enterprise for the body of work, which can adapt to the financial accounting, with particular emphasis on the integrity reflect the requirements to supervise the entire economic process, and not miss any accounting elements of the accounting entity. Management Accounting: the body of work can be divided into multi-level, either the main body of the entire enterprise, the enterprise within the local area or individual departments can be even a management aspects as the main body of the work. Third, the role of aging,Financial Accounting: The role of aging is to reflect the past, from an emphasis on the principle of objectivity, or adhere to the principle of historical cost, can only reflect the actual occurrence of the economic and business. Therefore, financial accounting is essentially a reimbursement-type accounting â€Å"considered as a† doubtful debts â€Å". Management accounting: the role of aging is not limited to the analysis of the past, but also in the dynamic use of financial accounting information to predict and plan for the future, while controlling the now, which spans the past three present and future tenses.Management Accounting for the future role of aging in the first place, while the analysis of the past in order to control and better guide future Therefore, management accounting is essentially belong to the count of â€Å"live account† â€Å"management accounting†. Principles, standards Financial Accounting: Working to strictly abide by the â€Å"Enterprise Accounting Standards† and the industry a unified accounting system, to guarantee the comparability of consistency in the provision of financial statements in time and space.Management Accounting: from the â€Å"Enterprise Accounting Standards† and the industry a unified accounting system complete restrictions and strict constraints, can be flexible in the work of predictive science, cybernetics, information theory, decision-making principles of modern management theory as a guide. Recently, the experts pointed out: with the Xing of the financial shared service center, the small business pro-gaze accounting matters, financial software upgrading of traditional financial accounting urgent need for transformation, there will be more than 80% of the finance staff to change jobs or facing re-employment .The rise of the financial shared service center Substantial reduction of the traditional financial accounting Financial shared service center in recent years, and popular accounting and reporting, business management. It will be different countries, regional entities and accounting business to get the SSC (Shared Service Center) to accounting and reporting. DELL various regions in China have sales outlets, these outlets just a sales team and service personnel, the order's headquarters is located in Xiamen standard unified business, finance can be shared to Xiamen.Therefore, the rise of the financial shared service center will greatly r educe the financial and accounting officers of large and medium-sized enterprises. Strategy: turn to the small and medium-sized enterprises. Small business pro-gaze firm Accounting operations will be outsourced Turned to small and medium-sized enterprises is not wise. First, small businesses, â€Å"stall, poor efficiency and financial needs, two, three accounting is sufficient. Another is that small companies do not set financial positions. Outsourcing to the management of the firm up quick and asy to view reports on a regular basis can save time, save money! Strategy: turn to accounting firms. Financial software upgrading Accounting firm is also a block alkali salt Seems to turn to the accounting firm is the last choice. As everyone knows, due to the ever-changing high-tech, high-end financial software constantly upgrading, which requires 4,5 individuals accounted for accurately, a set of software can be more accurate than artificial accounting. Cost far less than the overall cost s of the accounting staff.The accounting firm nor the last place to go! Question: traditional accounting go? Receded into the background of traditional financial accounting Management Accounting hotshot (CMA) Traditional financial accounting (CPA) focus on accounting, auditing, reporting, high-speed development of the market has not kept pace, a significant reduction it is inevitable. Contrary to the audit, accounting budget, decision-making is the scope of management accounting. Management accounting (CMA) focus on prediction, decision-making, planning, control and evaluation.CPA accounting of wealth, the CMA to create wealth, enterprises need to CMA's behind the military counselor. In 2009, the State Foreign Experts Bureau U. S. Certified Management Accountant (CMA) was introduced into China, and to authorize the excellent fiscal first training institutions. Are marked with the CMA's success in the Chinese enterprises in the use and promotion of foreign invested enterprises, the c entral level, state-owned enterprises and other large and medium-sized well-known enterprises in the recruitment of financial xecutives, â€Å"holds a CMA preferred. Excellent fiscal CMA students, Wister Finance Manager Ms. Wang said: learning CMA found that management accounting knowledge is far more than financial accounting, is more practical. Tsinghua University (microblogging), Professor Yu Zengbiao: management accounting talent gap of 3 million, management accounting will become a popular and sought-after talent! Old P3 + P1 = CMA As of June 30 registration of 220 U. S. dollarsRecently: American Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), release of information: the IMA headquarters decided to extend the final deadline of the Chinese examination system of the old Gang access to the August 31, 2012, June 30th registration will be provincial examination fee of 220 dollars in July to registration on August 31, will pay U. S. $ 125 examination fee. The first official training inst itutions excellent fiscal exclusive launch of the old P3 + P1 = the CMA, four-door variable 2, spend less, the cycle is short, easy to byAbout gifted fiscal: Excellent fiscal CMA Training Center is the first professional organization committed to the training of management accounting. 2009, excellent fiscal become the world's largest Institute of Management Accountants Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) authorized the first national strategic partner in China for three consecutive years by the IMA Headquarters granted the title of â€Å"Greater China, the best CMA training institutions, for three consecutive years of first place in the CMA exam pass rate!Excellent fiscal has the most outstanding exclusive contract faculty, provides students with a large number of local real Case Studies. Up to now, more than 90% of the CMA candidates from excellent financial, breakthrough success of the excellent fiscal CMA Training Center, (Beijing) the CMA5000 test exceeded 2000 people, cl ose to 1,000 people have already received the certificate students to complete their studies students read CMA.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Case Study Analysis of an employee Essay

This case study for student analysis will look at an employee of ABC, Inc., Carl Robins, the new recruiter of only six months and his struggle to hold orientation for fifteen new hires. There are various factors that play a part of why Carl struggles to meet the promised deadline that is fast approaching. This analysis will focus on time management, job performance, and company organizational issues that are key problems with how Carl is performing his job, but will also look at how ABC, Inc. management team play is playing a part in Carl’s struggle to meet his deadline. This analysis will show alternative solutions, a proposed solution, and a recommendation that will prevent future struggles for Carl and all other employees at ABC, Incorporated. Carl Robins is the new recruiter for ABC, Inc. Carl has been in his new position for six months now. In the six month timeframe, Carl has successfully hired fifteen new trainees. Now that the trainees are hired, Carl’s next obj ective is to hold an orientation on June 15th at one time for all fifteen new hires. The orientation date is to ensure Carl will have all the new hires ready to start working by July for the Operations Manager, Monica Carrolls. On May 15th Carl is contacted by Monica Carrolls to discuss with Carl everything needed for the new hires to begin orientation; the training schedule, manuals, policy booklets, physicals, drug test, and other things. Two weeks later, Carl decides to go over the trainee files and realizes some trainees’ paperwork are incomplete and missing. All of the new hires still need to take a mandatory drug screen test. During this time, Carl becomes aware that he does not have enough copies of the orientation manuals and on top of that, there is not one complete orientation manual to make copies. Lastly, Carl checks out the training room he book earlier in the month and finds Joe, from technology services, is setting up computer terminals for training seminars for the entire month of June. Carl will need to find a new place to hold orientation. Ca rl is panicking and does not know how to proceed at this point. (University of Phoenix, 2014) There are numerous key problems to focus on with Carl as well as with ABC, Inc. Starting with Carl, some of  the key problems Carl is having includes his apparent lack of time management. Carl is also having organizational and communication issues. Carl insufficient knowledge of how to apply these skills are playing a huge factor in Carl’s struggle to be prepared and ready for orientations on June 15th. Carl also appears to have insufficient knowledge about his position and what his responsibilities requires of him daily to meet his scheduled orientation and promised deadline to have all the new hires working by July. Looking at Carl’s timeline, he hires the new trainees in the beginning of April. Carl knows he has a little over two months before orientation is scheduled will be held for the new hires. On May 15th Carl receives a call from Monica, the Operations Manager, to go over the needs for orientation to be successful. It appears that Carl does nothing for over a month in regards to checking on the status of each new hire. What is Carl doing in this timeframe needs to be investigated. Carl waits until two weeks before the scheduled orientation to finally check on the trainees’ files. It seems there is no communication between Carl and Human Resources at all. Carl should be in contact with Human Recourses about the status of each new hires paperwork and on a consistent basis. It would appear that Carl is not doing his job efficiently. ABC, Inc. has some underlying key problems that have contribute a great deal to Carl’s struggle to meet the scheduled orientation date. ABC, Inc. has failed to support Carl in his new position. There is a lack of supervision to help guide Carl. ABC, Inc. also shows there is an apparent breakdown in communication between its employees. Human Resources must not now about the orientation date for the new hires and therefore seems to be taking their time in getting all the paperwork in for each new hire. Another communication breakdown is the situation about Joe and Carl both being able to book the training room to use on June 15th. There are many alternative solutions for Carl to successfully meet his orientation deadline of June 15th and have the new trainees ready to start work for the Operations Manager by July. Carl should contact Monica Carrolls, the Operations Manager, and find out if there is anyone in the company who would be able to help assist him with getting everything in order for orientation. If there is no one in the company available to help Carl at this time, then Carl needs to find out if he has the authority to hire an outside source, if he does not, then wh o does? Time is of the  essence to have everything competed for orientation. This person will help assist Carl in completing the following tasks; contacting each new hire to schedule a drug test, make sure all necessary documents are completed, turned in, find someone in the company who has a complete orientation manual, make copies, and find a new place to have orientation. Carl is new and this his 1st recruitment orientation, he should be held responsible to check in with the Operations Manager or whoever is Carl’s Manager and give them a daily report of what he has accomplished each day and what is left to still be accomplished to meet the orientation date. All of these solutions are a Band-Aid and will aid in Carl successfully holding orientation. However, they are not solutions for the root of the problems facing ABC, Inc. Even though the struggle focuses on Carl Robins and his inability to do his job correctly, the proposed solution is directed towards ABC, Incorporated Management Team. The Management Team should be held responsible. Carl Robins is new to the company. It is apparent that Carl’s lack of experience and work history is not matched up properly for the position of recruiter. Carl clearly does not understand what it takes for him to hold successfully orientation on June 15th. Carl is going blindly about his job responsibilities without a clear understanding of time restraints for each task he needs to perform. There should be supervision over Carl on a daily basis due to this being his 1st recruitment orientation assignment. ABC, Inc. Management Team should put into place a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for each position in the company. Clearly outlining each position and it responsibilities as well as including a flow chart showing who each position reports to. At this time, it is recommended that ABC, Inc. have each and every employee attend a several work seminars. It would be best for the company to start with a seminar that will focus on learning how to communicate well with each other inside the company, how to speak up about company problems and ask for help, and learn how to work together as a team unit. A time management seminar is highly suggested and would be of great help to the company as well. Each employee should learn time management skills, how to manage their time, their workflow, and how to prioritize their job responsibilities. Another recommendation, department mangers take a seminar about being team leaders. They need to understand what exactly their employees are doing in their daily routines. Department  managers are strongly encouraged to meet with each employee and have a one on one meeting. The meeting should target each manager finding out how the employee feels about their position, what they feel the pros and cons are for their position, and if the employee have any struggles in their position that need attention. These seminars and personal one on one attention with the employees will give tools for each employee to use in becoming successful in their positions and the company as a whole. It will also boost employee morale and would be a great gesture on the company’s behalf to show the employees that the company values them, is willing to investing time in each one of them, and you care about them. In return, the company should see significant improvement in time management and communication. References Case Study for Student Analysis, University of Phoenix, 2014

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Bravery

On September 11, 2001, the firefighters and policemen of New York exhibited chutzpah to the world. David, of the Bible, was said to be a man after God’s own heart. He too showed chutzpah when he faced and defeated the giant, Goliath. Bravery, (or chutzpah) is the quality of mind determining action that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, etc. without fear and in a bold, daring, or heroic way. Many individuals, as well as groups have displayed bravery and courage throughout history. One of the most recent and well-known examples were the fearless firefighters and policemen of New York during the events of September 11th. They did not think of their own safety and well being, but rather only thought of those in danger inside the twin towers. The extreme danger that awaited each one of them as they entered was not fully understood, but nonetheless, they were daring in their attempts to save those in peril. Another Biblical example, would be King David of the Old Testament. When he was merely a boy, he volunteered to represent his army in battle. All the other members of the army were scared of the giant named Goliath. David was brave. He fearlessly faced Goliath with boldness and determination, killing the giant. Many may feel brave, but what sets a few above others is overcoming or setting aside his or her fears to accomplish that act in a bold, daring, or heroic wa y. Next, one might wonder what it is that drives or helps a person to be heroic. Many times, people act on what is called the spur-of-the-moment. This type of courage is almost always instinctive. An example of this would be a soldier in battle who sees a fellow soldier wounded, then risks his own life to help the other soldier in need. Another example of showing bravery is a planned one. A planned act of bravery is developed when a problem is encountered. When a bank is robbed and there are hostages being held, a swat team must plan their invasio... Free Essays on Bravery Free Essays on Bravery On September 11, 2001, the firefighters and policemen of New York exhibited chutzpah to the world. David, of the Bible, was said to be a man after God’s own heart. He too showed chutzpah when he faced and defeated the giant, Goliath. Bravery, (or chutzpah) is the quality of mind determining action that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, etc. without fear and in a bold, daring, or heroic way. Many individuals, as well as groups have displayed bravery and courage throughout history. One of the most recent and well-known examples were the fearless firefighters and policemen of New York during the events of September 11th. They did not think of their own safety and well being, but rather only thought of those in danger inside the twin towers. The extreme danger that awaited each one of them as they entered was not fully understood, but nonetheless, they were daring in their attempts to save those in peril. Another Biblical example, would be King David of the Old Testament. When he was merely a boy, he volunteered to represent his army in battle. All the other members of the army were scared of the giant named Goliath. David was brave. He fearlessly faced Goliath with boldness and determination, killing the giant. Many may feel brave, but what sets a few above others is overcoming or setting aside his or her fears to accomplish that act in a bold, daring, or heroic wa y. Next, one might wonder what it is that drives or helps a person to be heroic. Many times, people act on what is called the spur-of-the-moment. This type of courage is almost always instinctive. An example of this would be a soldier in battle who sees a fellow soldier wounded, then risks his own life to help the other soldier in need. Another example of showing bravery is a planned one. A planned act of bravery is developed when a problem is encountered. When a bank is robbed and there are hostages being held, a swat team must plan their invasio...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

WARNING 8 Signs Your Job Interview is Scam

WARNING 8 Signs Your Job Interview is Scam Job interviews aren’t just a time for you to sit in the hot seat and be judged. They’re also an opportunity for you to vet the potential employer- to determine whether this company would be a good fit for you, and to make sure there aren’t any giant flapping red flags that should be telling you to run for the hills. If you’re ever in an iffy situation in an interview and can’t quite tell whether your gut reaction is the right one, here are a few warning signs that this job might not be the one for you.1. The vibe is†¦ not so great.Everyone looks miserable. It’s quiet, but it doesn’t look like that’s because everyone is concentrating so hard on their work. It just seems frosty and weird. If you’re a friendly collaborator by nature, this might not be the place for you. Things might be extra bad if you’re introduced to a few potential future coworkers and they don’t seem in any way enthused. If they canâ⠂¬â„¢t fake it to impress a potential new team member, they’re certainly not into the place.2. It’s all over way too soon.Interviews don’t have to be long and grueling, but they also shouldn’t be too short. If you feel like you’re being asked a handful of questions with very low stakes and you get offered the job in a hot second, take a step back and make sure this isn’t because they’re desperate- or incompetent. Are they overselling? What’s the catch Don’t just snap it up because you’re flattered or relieved to get an offer in the first place!3. You find out there’s a high turnover rate.Constant and consistent departure of employees might be another reason for a particularly hasty offer. If there’s a way to find out from current or former employees what the turnover rate seems to be and why it might be particularly high, that would be useful information. If that question seems to forward, simply ask ing some current employees how long they’ve been there might help. If everyone you’ve spoken to has only been with the company a short time, activate your spidey sense.4. Everything is done super secretively.You seem to be getting shuffled through the process on the DL. The interview doesn’t take place at their office location. You’ve not met the person holding the position you’re meant to replace. You don’t know why the position is open. You don’t get to meet anyone else on your team. Think about these things before accepting an offer, lest you show up for work on Monday morning and the entire team hates you for stealing their pal’s job seemingly overnight.5. You’re ghosted.You interviewed, you followed up, and the line went proverbially dead. Or, they’re making you wait an inordinately long time before letting you know when you might expect next steps or decisions to happen. Leaving a candidate hanging is disres pectful and unprofessional- both bad signs right out of the gate.6. They ask you for money.Run. Just run.7. Everyone uses robot-like corporate-speak all the time.Too many buzzwords or fancy jargon might be a big ruse to make the company or team sound successful and inspiring, when the reality could be anything but. If they seem like they’re trying really hard to impress you but there’s not much substance underneath, try to do a bit more sniffing around.8. There’s no indication of company growth.If the interviewer can’t give you a clear picture of career growth opportunities or provide you with a clear account of what your role would be- both immediately and in future- then watch out. Not having a clear sense of how you would develop your career there isn’t a particularly good sign at this stage- and it doesn’t bode very well for later stages either.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Gucci And Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Gucci And Innovation - Essay Example This paper intends to analyze the employee creativity and innovation as a key focus for most international organizations especially while trying to manage global economic crises in recession. Among other ways through which the multinationals remain strategic and influential in the international, market especially in terms of competition and market segmentation is through organizational processes and products/services differentiation. A key strategy that has been adopted in this regard is through adoption and focus on creativity and innovation. Employees have been very instrumental in ensuring relevance of the international organizations through creativity and innovation. However, the level of innovation and creativity by such employees has been dependent of institutional frameworks and thus organizational leadership becomes very instrumental in empowering the employees for such assignments as designing of products and services for the companies through innovation and creativity (OECD , 2009, p. 5-6). Discussion Innovation is a phenomenon that is socially acceptable, which brings together the ideas of different people and the implementation of the same. Moreover, through innovation, products and services are designed and made through the cooperation of people working together. The success of any organization especially in innovation and creativity requires the collaboration of efforts by the leadership as well as the subordinates. The management/leadership teams within organizations are usually tasked to propel the organization forward with implementation of policies meant for realization of goals and objectives carried on by the organization. In fact, many studies reveal that to many organizations, goals are just one and the same as the performance of the organization itself. However, it is more challenging to realize set goals and there must be some frameworks through which the realization of set goals; short term as well as the long-term goals (Ordonez et al, 2009, p.1-5). The process of driving the international organization towards realization of the set goals entails among other things proper planning and human resource management. International organizations’ management such as is the case with Gucci undertakes the planning in terms of short-term vision as well as long-term vision. Whenever an organization adopts either short-term goals or the long-range vision, continuous improvement is vital in order to realize that long-term objective. Nevertheless, changes in management practices have seen a substantial shift of the management practices from long range planning to much simplified planning structures, which concentrate with very short-term goals that are easy to achieve and evaluate. In order for any business to remain relevant and objective, the periodical evaluation and analysis of performance is critical. Innovation and creativity is such a basic tool that is currently in use in order to realize such goals especially aimed at overcoming the effect o f economic recession that affects the global economy today (Sharma et al, 2010, p. 29-30). In the choice of management practice to adopt, any management team must therefore put profit consideration into perspective. Continuous