Thursday, October 31, 2019

Social Responsibility Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Social Responsibility - Research Paper Example sibility is very vital in the creation of wealth by a company in that if managed properly it can improve the competitiveness of the business and maximize the value of creation of wealth to the community. With the growing public awareness and desire for socially responsible businesses, it is significant to note that companies consider planning for future socially responsible business operation. Customers expect organizations to operate in a social responsible and moral way. Many Organizations have developed code of conduct that guide the behavior of their employees. Therefore, they have to work with customers to produce quality products that are in line with the customer’s desires and expectations. Further, organizations have to offer customers free access to data concerning their operation. Social responsibility and code of conduct are created with the recognition that every activity that a company do is connected with their work (Paine, 2008). Organizations should ensure that whatever activity they do, does not contravene the interest of the society. It is significant for organizations to accept whistleblowers because it helps in unearthing wrongdoing. Further, if organizations fail to accept internal whistleblowers, much damage can be done to the organization. Therefore, organizations should develop programs that allow employees to talk about illegal and unethical issues thus making organizations more socially responsible to the actions. Whistleblowers are advocates of the society since they make the organizations accountable in everything they do. Corporate philanthropy makes businesses more responsible by giving back to the society. It helps in raising awareness to the society about the company’s desire to help the society. Philanthropic activities make organizations help those in need. Social responsibility benefits both the employees and the company, since it broadens their experience and assists them in creating new ideas and skills via philanthropic

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Dell's E-Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Dell's E-Marketing - Case Study Example Some of the products offered by the company include; televisions, peripherals, software, network switches, servers, data storage devices and the most common product; its Personal computers. (United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 2008) In order to get to such a position, it was essential to employ sound internet technologies and e-marketing principles. The paper will be an examination of how Dell Inc. and other companies have employed internet technologies and a forecast of the future of these technologies will also be analysed. Dell has employed internet technologies in virtually all spheres of its business processes. (Dedrick, 2007) First of all, the company has offered a series of services that are based on internet technologies and some of them include; Dell On Call is a service that largely dwells on the elimination of threats to data storage through viruses or spyware. In order to manage this service, the company communicates to its consumers regularly through the internet. (Koehn, 2001) Additionally, the process of eradicating those viruses and spyware is made possible by internet technologies. The Dell Support Centre is closely associated to the former mentioned service. However, in this particular area, more emphasis is given to hardware purchasers within the company. (Dedrick, 2007) The company formed this alternative after the realisation that most of their consumers were highly in need of accessing information about their purchases or the devices that they had already bought. Upon visiting this company's support website, one is likely to see the following divisions; Drivers and downloads, technical support, order status and customer service. Under the drivers and downloads section, consumers can get assistance about drivers and downloads that they are dealing with. Under the technical support section, one is likely to find the tag 'I need to solve a technical problem' (Dell Support Homepage, 2008). Under the order status section, consumers who want to find out how soon they will receive their products can be helped. Lastly, under the customer service section, consumers can ask for more information about the product that they have purchased. (Kraemer, 2002) All these options go a long way in enhancing the purchasing experience within this company. The first thing that one needs to note is the fact that their support system is located on the internet. This can be deduced by the fact that they have a homepage. Additionally, the entire process of dealing with a problem is handled across the internet hence promoting communications between them. Through the 'chatting via online' alternative in their Support Homepage, Dell can ensure that all the questions their clients have about their products are adequately solved. Besides that, there is a forum for interacting with other consumers in this website. The company has also broken down the kind of assistance offered so that consumers can get direct access to experts in a certain area. For instance, when a consumer is in need of fixing the wireless local area network, then they can go to the wireless networking support section, if they need to increase their antivirus settings, then they can go to the security spyware section. All these pieces of information are valuable on-line to boost consumer experiences. (Halderman et al, 2008) The Dell Business Support

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Study On The Importance Of Mahatma Gandhi

Study On The Importance Of Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi also known as father of Nation- helped throw out white rule and gain independence to India. He followed the path of Ahimsa which was non violence concept and Sathyagrahas which strikes to gain freedom for the people of India. He did all this yet was a lawyer by profession. Gandhi was born into the Hindu Modh family in Porbandar, in 1869. He was the son of Karamchand Gandhi, the diwan (Prime Minister) of Porbandar, and Putlibai. While living with a devout mother and surrounded by the Jain influences of Gujarat, Gandhi learned from an early age the tenets of pacifist to living beings, vegetarianism, fasting for self-purification, and mutual tolerance between members of various creeds and sects. He was born into the vaishya, or business, caste. Yet wanted fight for fair rights amongst his fellow Indians. Gandhi was responsible for many influential attributes during his years. In his younger days he studied to become a lawyer and in South Africa around the early 1880s he become employed by a Muslim firm in Pretoria. Through this firm he became engrossed in several great efforts against the authorities. During this time it peaked his interest for the communitys struggle for civil rights and Indias desire to stand on its own. Around 1915 when he returned to India he instantly joined the Indian National Congress as a large movement. While doing so he began to wear a simple quite simple which consisted of a white loin cloth, white shawl and sandals. This style appeals too many Indians in the rural areas who then gave him the name Mahatma meaning great saint. Gandhi philosophy revolved around three central notions: sawaraj meaning home rule, sarvodaya meaning welfare of all, and satyagraha meaning non-violence. Whereas Satyagraha was the key component for accomplishing political goals while using non- violent tactics. And sarvodaya and sawararja were used to support ideas of individual and overall improvement and renewal. With this renewal Gandhi was adamant in the belief that this necessary for India to revive itself of its history and culture and get rid of the British hovering over them. One major accomplishment held by Gandhi led a 200 mile Salt March so that the people of India could make and gather their own salt. His goal was for the people of India not to buy salt from the British. This march is called the Salt Satyagraha which started with the Dandi March on March 12, 1930, which was a key part of the Indian Independence Movement. This crusade was entirely nonviolent against the British salt tax in India. This protest prompted a larger Civil Movement. This movement was the most momentous organized attempt to confront the British government since Non-cooperation movement of 1920-22, and was directly followed the Purna Swaraj declaration of independence by the Indian National Congress in January of 1930. Gandhi also led the Dandi march near Ahmedabad, to the sea coast near the village of Dandi. This imspiring man continued on his mile march to make salt without paying the tax the British wanted while still expanding the number of Indians joined him along his jour ney. Eventually Gandhi broke the salt laws in Dandi at the end of the march on April 6, 1930, thus sparking large scale acts of civil disobedience against the British Raj salt laws by millions of Indians. Gandhi 1906 the Transval government cultivated a new Act to force registration of the colonys population At a enormous protest in Johannesburg on September 11th that year, Gandhi went on views evolving the devotion of truth. At this time involving his followers for the first time to defy the new law and suffer the consequences for doing so. Through this act thousands of people were imprisoned include Gandhi himself. Also beaten or shot. This was all because they were refusing to register, striking , or setting their registration cards on fire. Although these were all non violent means the government was still very violent towards them. While the government was successful in suppressing the Indians protesters, the public outlook the technique of how the government handled the peaceful protester finally forced the South African general at the time to negotiate a deal with Gandhi. A second attribute by Gandhi was made when he went on a 21 day fast to protest against the war between the Muslims and the Hindus and also to protest against Great Britain for not allowing India to be free. In March 1922, Gandhi was jailed for treason and after his trial he was sentenced to six years in prison. After about two years, Gandhi was released due to his declining health following surgery to treat his appendicitis. After his release, Gandhi found his country involved in serious violent attacks between Hindus and Muslims. As compensation for the violence, Gandhi decided to begin a 21-day fast, known as the Great Fast of 1924. At the time he was still ill from his recent surgery, many thought he would die anytime after day twelve, but he pulled through and held on for this passionate cause. This fast created a temporary peace. Another impact created by him was when he was arrested by the police of the charge of creating a unrest and was told to leave the area. Due to this, thousands of people protested and gathered followers to stand outside the police station and courts insisting his release. Which eventually the courts unenthusiastic allowed. After his release he helped arrange strikes against the landlords, who with the help of the government signed an agreement granting the poor farmers of that area more money and control over farming and also cancel the inflation until the famine ended. It was then Gandhi was looked at by the people as Batu meaning father and Mahatma meaning great soul. And lastly the greatest accomplishment of Gandhi was his life-long fight for the independence of India. Which fulfill his dream for his countrys independence which finally became reality on August 15, 1947. His life goal was to free India of the Britishs tight hold. To even get to that point Gandhi and his devoted follow struggle to rise to the top. Gandhi played a big role in order for India to achieve independence. He encouraged Indians to do the ahimsa and the satyagraha or simply truth-force. In which they purposely shows civil insubordination against the authorities. Indians had also established parties to gain freedom and eventually independence from Britain. Instances of these parties are the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League. Even though thats true, there were many hardships on their way to top. During the great effort to self-government about 200,000 people were killed while fighting for their liberty in which they finally succeeded because they were able to gai n independence at August 15, 1947. Gandhi was the most outstanding political and spiritual leader of India especially during the Indian independence movement. He had many followers, and taught many how to protest peacefully, instead of using violence and war. Although many know who Gandhi is numerous people do not know the greatness he has achieved. I believe he is very influential with everything he did. Gandhi stood up against the British Empire and got civil right for India while protest peacefully even thought the British hurt and killed many innocent Indians. Although imprisoned for his heroic work he never gave up. He was responsible for popularizing the concept of non violence and truth through struggle. The usefulness of these two ideas can be showed how the India used this implement to single handedly brought down the British and attempt to colonize Gandhis nation. I think this is incredible seeing though the British ruled several colonies for centuries yet Gandhi helped India rise and force them to leave them alone in just about thirty years. This proved that the use of non violent protest is very powerful. Most importantly a government can rule peoples bodies yet have no control over their minds. Due to these events I believe G andhi is forever remembered in history to this day .For how he stood up for Indian civil rights, and has made a big difference for people in India today. Even after his death Gandhi is still remembered.

Friday, October 25, 2019

pride and prejudice :: essays research papers

1) Title: Pride and Prejudice Author’s name: Jane Austen Copyrightdate: 1813 Number of pages:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   480 pages 2) The title Pride and Prejudice refers to the way in which Elizabeth and Darcy first view each other. It is a novel in which the characters learn about themselves and change the first impressions they have formed about each other and the world around them. It is about conquering obstacles and achieving romantic happiness, Darcy being too proud, and being prejudiced about where Elizabeth comes from and Elizabeth thinks Darcy is arrogant and self-centred. Both are forced to come to grips with their own mistakes on their views about each other and finally finding the ability to view the other through unprejudiced eyes. Pride is a feeling of satisfaction that you have because you or people close to you have done something good or possess something good and prejudice is an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things. 3) The change is caused when Elizabeth receives a letter from Darcy explaining his actions and attempts to answer Elizabeth’s attacks on his behaviour. He also gives his side of the story of Wickham, and his side on why he kept his best friend from making a mistake on marring Elizabeth’s sister Jane and he apologises for this, Darcy also tells her that his cousin will confirm his story. Elizabeth is then forced by Darcy`s letter to rethink her views on Darcy that she misjudged him and that her own pride and vanity were the cause of most misunderstandings. She also now begins to see her family in a different way and accepts their faults. She learns more about herself. 4) †My dear Miss Eliza, why are not you dancing? â€Å"Mr Darcy, you must allow me to present this young lady to you as a very desirable partner. – You cannot refuse to dance, I am sure, when so much beauty is before you†. And taking her hand, he would have given it to Mr Darcy, who, though extremely surprised, was not unwilling to receive it, when she instantly drew back, and said with some discomposure to sir William, â€Å"indeed, Sir, I have not the least intention of dancing. -I entreat you not to suppose that I moved this way in order to beg for a partner â€Å". Mr Darcy with grave propriety requested to be allowed the honour of her hand; but in vain. Elizabeth was determined: nor did Sir William at all shake her purpose by his attempt at persuasion.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bargaining power of supplier Essay

Bargaining power of supplier is also known as the amount of control your suppliers have over the price of goods you purchase dictates whether this area is an opportunity or threat. This is driven by the number of suppliers of each essential input; uniqueness of their product or service; relative size and strength of the supplier, and cost of switching from one supplier to another. In this case, Minbaochong Sdn Bhd is the supplier of Eight Eleven, the largest chain of twenty-four hour grocery stores in Malaysia. MinBao brand is one of the most popular brands of bread in Malaysia which supposed to give Minbaochong Sdn Bhd a strong bargaining power. However the tremendous mistake made by Kelvin Tan, the sales manager of Minbaochong Sdn Bhd, closed a deal with Eight Eleven by offering them a price concession and allowing them to offer a 400 gram loaf of MinBao bread for RM3.00 instead of its recommended retail price of RM3.20. This strategy causes sales of MinBao bread in supermarkets an d other outlets declined significantly and resulted Eight Eleven is now accounted for one-third of Minbaochong’s sales. Further, the company already burdened by debt acquired in its recent spin off was on the edge of bankruptcy lower the bargaining power of Minbaochong Sdn Bhd. The bargaining power is now with Eight Eleven as Eight Eleven controlling one-third of Minbaochong’s sales and even Minbaochong Sdn Bhd terminate the contract and stop supplying bread to Eight Eleven, it does not affect much to Eight Eleven because they have its own house brand or there is greater presence of substitute inputs for Eight Eleven means the extent to which it is possible to switch to another supplier for an input or a close substitute, thus it results the bargaining power of suppliers, Minbaochong Sdn Bhd become lower. Competitive rivalry The intensity of rivalry among competitors in an industry refers to the extent to which firms within an industry put pressure on one another and limit each other’s profit potential. Competitive rivalry affects the competitive environment and influences the ability of existing firms to achieve profitability. High intensity of rivalry means competitors are aggressively targeting each other’s markets and aggressively pricing products. This represents potential costs to all competitors within the  industry. High intensity of competitive rivalry can make an industry more competitive and decrease profit potential for the existing firms. On the other hand, low intensity of competitive rivalry makes an industry less competitive and increases profit potential for the existing firms. In this case, the competitive rivalry is low because competitors have unequal size. Eight Eleven was the largest chain of twenty-four hour grocery stores scattered all over Malaysia. By having nume rous branches of grocery store leads to the great advantages against other competitors. Besides that, Eight eleven had a strong strategy that preventing them to receive any threats from rival. â€Å"Every Day Low Price† Although the product selling by Eight Eleven is lack of differentiation and Eight Eleven have high fixed cost due to numerous branches in Malaysia, but Eight Eleven is well known among the market and able to offer a lower price compare to other grocery stores due to large number of stocks held by Eight Eleven. This will eventually enhance the brand loyalty of Eight Eleven’s customer as customer switching costs are high. Hence the competitive rivalry is low due to Eight Eleven is the main driver of the grocery stores and had established a strong market base in Malaysia.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Research Analysis of Barbara Ehrenreich’s Cultural Baggage Essay

Barbra Ehrenreich’s â€Å"Cultural Baggage† essay found in Greene and Lidinksy (2012), expresses the author’s views on traditional values that come from a family’s heritage. Ehrenreich is motivated to write about this subject because her way of being raised was challenged. She was raised to find new things to try, and not succumb to the mindset of just accepting something because it’s always been there. Her Father said, â€Å"’think for yourself’ and ‘always ask why’† (Ehrenreich, 2012, p. ). The purpose of the content is to show Barbra Ehrenreich’s disconnection from holding family traditions, and then argues that it’s not a necessity for every family to pass down traditions. Barbra insists that people from very traditional based religions will be disappointed and appalled that her family is always looking for new things to try (Ehrenreich, 2012). In the author’s opinion, there is nothing wrong for not following, or neglecting to start, family traditions. Ehrenreich’s biggest claim in her essay is that she steadfastly disagrees with recurring traditions and expresses her intent for individuality in her family. She made a statement at the end of the essay saying, â€Å"My chest swelled with pride, as my mother’s would have, to know that the race of †none† marches on† (Ehrenreich, 2012, p. 3). This shines light on the fact that they are a happy family with out traditions and have no intentions of ever adopting any. Also, Ehrenreich (2012) goes on to explain that her Grandmother would suggest that just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s right, or necessary to continue. Barbra is satisfied and proud to announce â€Å"none† as her ethnic background and â€Å"none† for her traditions. Barbra has a tone in the paper that exemplifies an informal conversation among women; particularly mothers. Her intention was to target mothers because she is justifying the guilt she felt when she realized her children weren’t growing up with traditions. Her question then was: Am I doing the right thing by not having any traditions for them? So, Barbra nervously asked her children if they were fine with not having any family traditions, and they eplied, â€Å"yes† (Ehrenreich, 2012). This was a relief for Barbra as it would be for most mothers. My final contention in this matter would be to agree with Barbra Ehrenreich in saying that family traditions are not necessary, and it is important to branch out to new ventures. When Barbra asked her children about traditions they said, â€Å"and the world would be a better place if nobody else did either† (Ehrenreich, 2012, p. 3). The reason they say the world would be a better place is because people would be more interesting from branching out and learning new things. In addition, the reasons there is a lot of conflicts in society, and on a global scale, are from radical people feeling their traditions or belief have been imposed upon by someone else. Examples include: Islamic religion, Al Qaeda, the Civil rights movement, the Civil War, and Gang Violence. Barbra is correct with her position on traditions with calling it â€Å"baggage,† because it weighs down the minds ability to see things in a new light, and that is the most important thing to me.