Tuesday, February 4, 2020

What Makes a Good Father Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What Makes a Good Father - Essay Example According to Marcus (2014), what makes all the differences in the life of a child is having a good father - one who stands for support, strength, and discipline. In as much as he loves his children, he does not approve of wrongdoings. He disciplines with tough love, not with the fist but with the power in his words. He does not reward for things expected of the childlike house chores. Time is a key factor in fatherhood, and a good father knows the value of spending it with his children, he plays with them, takes them out on games, moves and attends their events. He also takes time to listen to them. The old adage â€Å"do as I say, not as I do† is out of place, a good father leads by example. He does not expect his children not to smoke if he does, does not say one thing and does the other. He knows he is the protector of the family, and this he is willing to do at all cost. He will put up his life at risk to protect his family from harm, instilling the importance of sacrifice in the children. Time and seasons do change, and a good father is aware of that and does not insist on doing things in an old way that will not work, but he is open-minded. The greatest quality of a good father is that his love is unconditional. Though he does not approve of his children’s wrongdoings, he still loves them. Other qualities include allowing the kids to make mistakes as a way of learning, teaches them not to take things for granted but to be grateful, he is aware that his kids are not exactly like him, but have differences and desires of their own. A good father also challenges his kids and teaches the lessons of life. Children tend to follow what they see adults do, this way, their character is shaped and behavior molded. My love for football started when I used to see my dad watching football, a passion that I end up perfecting to even playing for different teams.  Ã‚  

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