Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Case Analysis Harvey Spector - 1800 Words

Introduction: Harvey Spector becomes a senior partner at a law firm, Pearson Hardman. He has to hire an associate specifically from Harvard Law. Instead his choice is Mike Ross. Mike is a troubled but brilliant college dropout without a law degree. He was evading the police on a botched up drug deal and stumbled into the office that landed him an interview with Harvey. Harvey is impressed with Mike’s theatrics and hires him. The two start training and working together. The other powerhouse in this episode is Jessica Pearson. She interrupts Harvey at a POKA game to solve a problem with one of his cases. Harvey lied about receiving a payment from a client for concluding a contract, in return and as punishment for this offence, he is given†¦show more content†¦The Leadership style of Jessica Pearson is clearly an Autocratic leadership style, which is proven consistently throughout episode 1, as Jessica utilises her power and authority to ensure that all tasks in the business are handled according to her own methods. An example of this would be when Jessica enforces her power over Harvey to make him take on a pro bono trial against his own objections. Although Jessica’s leadership style is autocratic, it does differ to that of Harvey’s leadership style, which is a situational style. The reason that Harvey can be thought of having a situational style, is mainly based on the different methods to solve a problem. A comparison of Harvey’s use of different methods to solve the case, would be his lassiez fair attitude when it came when it came to assigning Mike a pro bono case, as he did not help to direct Mike in any form. However Harvey’s attitude changes from lassiez fair to transactional, in the case of when he goes to talk to the witness at the end of the episode and convinces her to testify in an exchange for reduced or no jail time. Conflict Management This is the process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict, the aim is to enhance learning and outcomes. It is important to define conflict management as this came up in a good scene in the movie. Harvey’s promotion was revoked so he would no longer need Mike. Harvey goes in to revoke the hiring ofShow MoreRelatedPhil Spector And His Father s First Cousin1896 Words   |  8 Pages Phil Spector Laticialenee Roberts Kaplan University Phil Spector Phil Spector was born Harvey Phillip Spector on December 26, 1940 in Bronx, New York to Benjamin and Bertha Spector. His mother is his father’s first cousin. He grew up in a lower class Jewish family. His grandfather emigrated from Russia with the Surname â€Å"Spekter†. Phil was married 3 times and has five children. 1) Annette Merar married 1961 - divorced 1965 2) Ronnie Bennett married 1963 –separated- 1972- divorced 1974 AdoptedRead MoreManagers Locus of Control to Managerial Style2683 Words   |  11 Pagesat the four corners and the midpoint of the grid, Blake and Mouton developed the five managerial styles†¦(Bull, 2000 p11-12). 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