Sunday, May 24, 2020

Effects Of Caffeine On Our Health - 1358 Words

Caffeine is one of the most commonly used drugs. In today’s fast-paced society, lots of people rely on caffeine from coffee to keep them energized throughout the day. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that can give you bursts of energy, but can also make you jittery if too much is consumed. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, about 90 percent of the world’s population ingests some form of caffeine. In the United States, about 80 percent of us take in some caffeine every day. It provides no nutritional value and it has no taste, so it is hard to know if it is in your food (Pietrangelo). Over the years, caffeine consumption has become a controversial subject. Some argue that caffeine consumption can be detrimental to your health, while others say that the effects of caffeine can be beneficial. However, research shows that caffeine is more bad than good. Caffeine consumption can have numerous potentially dangerous effects on a person, both phys iologically and psychologically. Caffeine is a drug, and therefore it can have effects similar to other drugs. Consuming caffeine effects most of the systems of the body including the skeletal and muscular systems, the reproductive system, the circulatory and respiratory systems, the digestive and excretory systems, and the cardiovascular system. Its effects can range anywhere from dehydration and headaches to heart attacks and death. Some people say that caffeine has mostly positive effects, especially whenShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Caffeine On Our Health1764 Words   |  8 PagesAs noted before, natural caffeine comes from plants, coffee beans, and tea leaves and has been observed, to provide a number of benefits, in moderation. Low and moderate doses of caffeine have been found to increase alertness. It has also been proven to increase long term memory, attention span, psychomotor performance, and cognitive function. Caffeine also gives athletes a performance boost and is shown to help some types of headaches. Even though natural caffeine is better for you, it does haveRead MoreEffects Of Caffeine On Our Health959 Words   |  4 Pageswithout coffee in the morning (Kilcarr). The need for caffeine by most Americans has come to an all time high with people trying to do more than ever before. However, there are now multiple ways for people to get their much needed caffeine fix. Whether that be through energy drinks or a new form of powdered caffeine, people still have a need for it. The FDA released information in 2007 stating that the Americans consumed an average of 200 mg of caffeine every day, but according to Johns Hopkins BehavioralRead MoreEffects of Caffeine on The Human Boby1075 Words   |  5 PagesIt doesn’t matter what time it is because caffeine is being gulped down all around the clock. Studies have shown that about 90 percent of North American adults consume caffeine everyday or 300 tons all around the world, because let’s face it whether you have a research pa per due tomorrow or just need a wake up call to your morning, many of us lean towards caffeine to give us that extra energy. In which, according to the FDA, the average caffeine consumer will take up to 200 milligrams daily, or aboutRead MoreCaffeine the Most Popular Drug in The World1079 Words   |  5 PagesEthiopia (Pendergrast, 2001). It became one of the many sources to create ideas, a common drink for work or school, and created problems. It is common to buy coffee now from Starbucks, Philz Coffee, or brewing it ourselves. Coffee is use to start out our day and keep us awake. Since discovering coffee, Americans consume it everyday. On the other hand, not only is coffee very popular drink but so is drinking Tea. The discovery of tea is very diverse, it goes through many histories and cultural storiesRead MoreHow Does Caffeine Affect Our Body?1040 Words   |  5 PagesHow does caffeine affect our body? Caffeine is the most common thing in those kinds of beverages, such as Coca-Cola, Mountain Dew, Gatorade, coffee, etc. Drink too much will affect our body. It will cheer you up, but somehow still will destroy your body. Addicted to caffeine may cause blood glucose, Insulin Resistance and Muscle, Skeletal disease. Caffeine is a xanthine alkaloid compound, but also a central nervous system stimulant, and can be very beneficial to human health if ingested, appropriatelyRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Caffeine1353 Words   |  6 PagesDrinking caffeine in the morning to start off the day might seem like the right thing to do in the morning but is it really harmful? Caffeine can be really addictive and may even cause death if used way that not meant for your body. About 85 percent of the U.S. population that’s an adult drinks about three cups of coffee a day and that’s not even counting soda or energy drinks. Caffeine has been around for more than a thousand years and we still don’t understand everything about what it does forRead MoreCaffeine Speech Essay774 Words   |  4 PagesSpeech Outline Title: Caffeine Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the effects and health issues of caffeine. Thesis: Caffeine can have many different effects on the body depending on the amount of consumption. Introduction A. Attention Getter – How many of you here consider yourself caffeine addicts? How much soda do you drink a day? One bottle? Two cans? More? How about coffee? B. Thesis statement – Caffeine can have many different effects on the body depending on the amountRead MoreEssay On Caffeine1328 Words   |  6 Pages Today how many people drink caffeine daily and do not realize the harmful effects of doing so? Caffeine is found in many common drinks consumed by both adults and children on a daily basis. People are not concerned with the impact of caffeine on their bodies. Caffeine is addictive and the brain will become dependent on it to keep the mind awake. Caffeine keeps the body from falling asleep by blocking the adenosine receptors; adenosine is what makes the person sleepy. Caffeinated drinks are especiallyRead MoreDangers of Caffeine Essay1223 Words   |  5 Pagesup each day or keeps us focused. It is what drives us to go the extra mile. Caffeine is a product that is being used in all sorts of drinks ranging from colas to our early morning cup of tea. Most people whose life is always on an ever moving work pace feel it is a needed necessity to keep them going, People ranging from bcig business people to mare student. The main reason for this review is to see just how much caffeine affe cts the life of an average student both negative and positively and alsoRead MoreDifferent Types Of Teas That Have Different Purposes For The Body Essay1446 Words   |  6 PagesIn some point in our life, we all have drank or tasted coffee and/or tea. Some people love the taste or the effects coffee or tea can have on our bodies. Coffee is very effective on the body, people drink coffee to help them get going every morning. There are several different types of teas that have different purposes for the body. Tea was first discovered when a dried leaf landed in Chinese Emperor Shen Nung’s bowl of water changing the color of it in 2737 B.C. (When was tea invented?, 2016). Coffee

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